A self-satirical train wreck that you can witness word by word...

And for those who doubt my son Armand Bovoso, indeed he is part Black. I'm Black and Italian. Armand is Black, italian, and Ukranian Jewish. Send me an email if you can't accept this.

Magic Words

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It would be easy to mistake me for a human train wreck these days. I was far too reserved in my 20's so it had to come out sometime. Right now I'm on a plane ride with three students on the way to NYC for a dual purposed trip. One is for my high school reunion, the other is to teach a seminar. Both of these occasions are monumental. For my high school reunion it has been 18 years since I've seen anyone. It just so happens that I am still looking muy sexy. I hope to rub that in the face of everyone who wouldn't pork me back then and who isn't looking so hot now. That especially means you ER! I will make it my mission to break up what ever damaged relationship you're in now! Call the fire department because if I get in I'm not getting out. For the seminar this will be the prodigal son returning home to teach. In your face CZ!

On the way to the way to airport my students were all in the backseat sipping on gin and juice (with their mind on their money and their money on their mind). Talk about a headstart. Lapping behind I made a beeline to one of three bars at the Burbank Airport. It was here that I shared the magic words with the bartender: Long Island Ice Tea. So much for the Junior Snoop Squad's lead in the game, I was now in the zone..

Sooooo.... One hour in to the flight I have so far managed to:

Ask one student and her boyfriend if they were both thinking about the same guy when they were kissing.

Tried to stick my tongue in the ear of the same student.

Fell asleep on the shoulder of JB. (Yes Mr. White Nipples himself.)

Well, 4 more hours to go and my flight attendant is looking pretty cute.


1 Responses to “Magic Words”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Ay, muchacho. Those Long Island Ice Teas are gonna be nothing but trouble. However, if it's THE DEATH OF YOU that you seek, try a Strong Island Ice Tea. The same as the Long Island, but take out the Coke and replace with red Alize. Talk about bloody good!

    By the by, my new link to my blog is:

    Peace out!

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