The seminal centuriatic 100th post
Published Thursday, September 29, 2005 by Alessandro Ashanti | E-mail this post
So my fan(s) has threatened me with forgoing my site should I not post something soon. I guess I can't let my fan(s) down.
So this is post 100. One hundred posts about the surreal slow motion freeway pile up that has made up my existence. Here you have it folks. It started with Daffy Duck being proclaimed a genius and went all the way through to a frank discussion about a twisted white boy's take on white nipples. Hey, JB! Any time you can't hang with the white nipples I'll be glad to pinch hit for you.
Today I found out that I have a twin. I am a victim of separation at birth. Check out this IM I received from T.
yer face
i saw someone on a talk show that looked like you sort of.
cept he had big ass bling in his ears and was crying a lot.
he was on montel.
Just great. Now I have to call my mother and straighten this mess out. When I was 5 and living in France a group of gypsies offered to buy me. Maybe my parents were late on car payments and sold my brother instead.
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