There's nothing like a smoking hot woman to make you feel good...
Published Wednesday, August 31, 2005 by Alessandro Ashanti | E-mail this post
So one of my friends and sometimes student T. has become addicted to my blog. T. also just happens to be one of the most beautiful women I know. She posted this message to my page.
"your blog is currently my favorite read. i check in regularly. daily even. and you always provide the most satisfying topics and insights. the sudden influx of comments from the non-blogger "t." are indeed mine [though i'm sure you had no difficulty figuring out that little puzzle]. congrats on being awesome."
Suddenly I feel like a celebrity. That's right! In your face, all of those who teased me as a fat kid in P.S. 3! I'm da man!!
So, as with most things in life you have to take your props as they come. Not 30 minutes later I received this message from her:
"alessandro you started high school the year i was born. damn. "Oh well. Pop goes that bubble. I feel old.
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