A self-satirical train wreck that you can witness word by word...

And for those who doubt my son Armand Bovoso, indeed he is part Black. I'm Black and Italian. Armand is Black, italian, and Ukranian Jewish. Send me an email if you can't accept this.

There's nothing like a smoking hot woman to make you feel good...

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So one of my friends and sometimes student T. has become addicted to my blog. T. also just happens to be one of the most beautiful women I know. She posted this message to my Myspace.com page.

"your blog is currently my favorite read. i check in regularly. daily even. and you always provide the most satisfying topics and insights. the sudden influx of comments from the non-blogger "t." are indeed mine [though i'm sure you had no difficulty figuring out that little puzzle]. congrats on being awesome."

Suddenly I feel like a celebrity. That's right! In your face, all of those who teased me as a fat kid in P.S. 3! I'm da man!!

So, as with most things in life you have to take your props as they come. Not 30 minutes later I received this message from her:

"alessandro you started high school the year i was born. damn. "

Oh well. Pop goes that bubble. I feel old.

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