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True Lesbian Stories Part 3

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When I was 20 I got a job working as a bouncer in New York City. To this day I'm not really sure how I got hired but I think the owners were looking for people with no experience at all. I have so many club stories that I'll have to save them for future posts. For now let me zone in on one particular even at this club.

The club was named Quick. It was the hot new club in NYC for about 5 minutes before it all turned to dust. Mainstream clubs in NYC at the time all had one night set aside as the "gay night." Typically this was a great party but not so great if you were a 21 year old straight guy looking for some action. Back then I was always on the prowl. I was typically stationed at the ticket taker's stand so I got to see them all walk in. The ticket taker was a guy named John who was young and good looking and always on the prowl as well.

One of the promoters of the gay party at club Quick took it upon themselves to hire their own ticket taker. In walked A. She the cutest demi-butch lesbian you'd ever seen. She stood about 5 feet flat. She was quite the popular person at the club. Her friends would frequent the place and all come hangout around her.

She became very taken with me and John. One night she all of a sudden told us, "I don't know. If there's anyone who could turn me straight it would be two of you." This became her mantra for the weeks to come.

One night she told us that she was going away to school and would be leaving town in two weeks. John and I knew this was our queue to take action. That night we wound up sandwiched on the ends of her as she took tickets. Her friends would turn the corner to see the deli sandwich of one slice white, one slice wheat, and tender pussy cat meat in between. Jaws dropped on the floor as the Lesbian Foot Patrol came across a crime scene that had them shaken to the core.

"What are you doing??", they would screech out.

A. just shrugged her shoulders and then went back to her enjoyment.

The real story here is what happened on her last night at the club. With nothing to loose we would up in a full make out and fooling around session at the front of the club. We would all (or two of us) disappear at time to various isolated rooms in the club. That night the three of us wound up at my apartment, which is a whole blog story unto itself. Too bad I really can't tell that one here. We didn't manage to make a convert out of her but boy did we give her a story to remember. The other story I can't really tell here is about the time she came back to the club months later for a visit. Oh man... or in this case: Oh les-bi-an...

1 Responses to “True Lesbian Stories Part 3”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Well, well, well....you know I have a comment on this. I'll save it for the IM...

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