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True Lesbian Stories

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OK. I can't believe these stories have escaped me to write about until now. While spending time with two of my hot lesbian friends K and B during Thanksgiving I was reminded of parts of my past. I've always had a thing for lesbians and somewhat androgynous women. Sort of the tomboy look if you will. Certain types of lesbians who fit into this category. There's something they used to say where I come from: Let's date 'em!

Let me start off by saying that not only do I have a thing for lesbians but I also could be considered and enemy of the lesbian community. You see there are four women in my past who were gay when I met them. They all became my girlfriends and now all have one thing in common. All of them went on to get married to men and have kids. You see I am the lesbian community's worst nightmare. I am the sexual orientation converter!!

These weren't the only lesbians I've been involved with. There have been many. I figured I would share a couple of real stand out stories.

When I was living in San Francisco I frequently found myself in the Castro district for various reasons. For those of you who don't know the Castro is pretty much the gay center of San Francisco these days. Being an avid reader I would find myself in the bookstores on Castro frequently. One night while walking out of one of these stores a woman behind the counter started talking to me. My gaydar when off so I didn't think much about this woman who was obviously flirting with me. She was obviously gay or so I thought until she asked me to come back to her place and exchange massages with me. To cut out the graphic nature of the ensuing part of the story let's just say that there was very little external massaging that happened. In talking to her I found out something very fascinating. Not only was she a lesbian she was a super lesbian. She had just gotten off of a commune where she lived with other gay women for 2 years. She had never been with a man before. After it was over she abruptly kicked me out of her house which threw me for a loop to say the least. We had lunch a day or two later at Baghdad Cafe on Market Street. For those of you who don't know the place, Baghdad Cafe is staffed almost exclusively by gay woman and pre-op/post op transgender women. For some reason I got the bright idea to try and make out with her outside the cafe. She became a nervous wreck and was on the look out for the Lesbian Foot Patrol who were going to come and arrest her at any moment. She never returned any of my phone calls after that.

More True Lesbian Stories to come. I'm full of them.

4 Responses to “True Lesbian Stories”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I'm surprised they don't have your picture plastered all over the Castro. "Beware the Sexual Orientation Converter!!!" hee hee. That was great. Can't wait for more stories. -PBT

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    great. now i'm double hooked to your blog. sheesh. that was awesome.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    nice to know me and B bring back memories. and why can't you bring straight men into the lavender flock, huh? k aka jbt

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I'd rather call you a Sexual Orientation Liberator. Mwa ha ha ha ha!

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