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Aqua Teen Bovoso Force

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JB Mr. White Nipples Himself did me a great favor. He introduced me to the funniest cartoon I've seen since the Looney Tunes all effectively died with Mel Blanc. Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Now I'm not great at retelling already written stores so I'll save you the trouble and just tell you to buy the DVDs or turn on Cartoon Network. In thinking about the show today I realized why these characters resonate with me. They represent the men in my family. Stay with me here while I illustrate my point.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force is made up of three guys who would love to think of themselves as heros but don't even come close. Just like me and my brothers one is older and wiser, one is in the middle and is a big wise ass, and one is young and naive. Here are further points.

Frylock the oldest of the group. Well that's a guess considering he's a side of fries. Smart and a computer whiz, he's just as much of a looser as the other two. We even share the same goatee.

Master Shake the middle problem child. Biggest dick of the bunch. He loves to make shit up when he doesn't have the right answer.

Meetwad. Just like my youngest brother he's fat. Period. Seperate his body and you have Meetwad.

Carl/Doctor Weird. My father looks kind of like Carl but definitely had the spirit of Doctor Weird cursing through him. Combine them and sure enough it's my father. "Then we put hairspray in his eyes because that's just how it happened to daddy!!"

1 Responses to “Aqua Teen Bovoso Force”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    i have a big crush on meatwad.

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