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I'm off a plain

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I'm on a plain
I can't complain
The finest day
That I ever had
Was when I learned
To cry on demand
Love myself
Better than you
I know it's wrong
What can I do?


These immortal lyrics written by Kurt Cobain and permormed by Nirvana hold deep meaning to those who have been on mood altering drugs. Not the kind that you buy from a dealer but the kind that your doctor prescribes for you. Your psychiatrist most likely.

I recently had a major event in my life where my psychiatrist asked me why I had a problem with keeping my appointments. I explained to her my life long struggle with what I learned several years ago was Attention Deficit Disorder. On the spot she suggested trying a typical ADD medication. Eagerly I agreed to try this out. Anything was better than continuing this curse. I was actually at the visit to talk about the Zoloft that I had been taking for the last year. Zoloft had done it's job well enough. It had gotten me through the panic attacks I was experiencing in 2005. At this point the side effects were getting in the way of living a happy life. If my oldest son didn't read this blog from time to time I might explain more. She asked how I was feeling and honestly I was feeling OK having been over Zoloft for a week. She told me to stop with the Zoloft and to try the new meds.

Like a super hero to the rescue. Look up in my hand, it's speed, it's a pill, it's Wonder Drug! Well it's actually named Concerta. Concerta is now my new hero. It's a controlled dose of speed that allows me to focus on tasks at hand and not forget that I am in the middle of them. I now understand how and why speed freaks stay up for days and try and write novels or take apart cars just to see if they can. The controlled dose that I take allows me to focus just enough to get everyday life tasks done without feeling overwhelmed. My main side effect is that I get sped up a bit sometimes and my sleeping patterns can be a bit off. When I speed up I do my best to slow myself down by concentration on shutting the fuck up. Sleep patterns aren't so bad due to the fact that I create my own schedule. If I'm compelled to stay awake I just make sure I devote the time to work.

More on my chemical calithenics as they develop.

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