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And for those who doubt my son Armand Bovoso, indeed he is part Black. I'm Black and Italian. Armand is Black, italian, and Ukranian Jewish. Send me an email if you can't accept this.


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So I just got finished watching the "Let's kill the kykey hebbey jewey jew" episode of Star Trek the next generation. Character actor Saul Rubinek plays a "collector" who steals Mr. Data. Amazingly enough it is the emotionless android Commander Data who grows to hate the Jewish alien in this episode. His programmed logic leads him to conclude that the Jew must be "thrown down the well."

Something must have happened in the 24th century because I have never seen the visiting Chink captain episode. Although we have had two nips and a gook. Let's not forget the genetically modified Asiatic Khan played by the immortal Mr. Rourke.

I've never seen the episode with the spic or wetback unless we count the half wetback half klingon with the temper problem.

I don't recall ever seeing the dego ginny goomba wop Starfleet Officer save for the possible plumber who just like bathrooms has never been seen on screen.

We've had enough spooks, spades, and jungle bunnies to fill a shuttlecraft. Interesting how that spells diversity. In the USA we're only 10 percent of the population.

That leaves us with Bobo, Ofay, The Man, Cracker, and Peckerwood. Maybe Darwin was on to something. The caucassoid race is so strong that even all the aliens have taken on their features and mannerisms. Save for the Klingons who remain dark and have anger management issues.

Dammed be all that high yellow, butterscotch, oreo, sellout in me doesn't love the show anyway. Fuck it. Live long and prosper Whitey.

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