A self-satirical train wreck that you can witness word by word...

And for those who doubt my son Armand Bovoso, indeed he is part Black. I'm Black and Italian. Armand is Black, italian, and Ukranian Jewish. Send me an email if you can't accept this.

Plane Blog

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I've discovered a new super power today. The ability to center myself (for the most part) while in the midst of an acute insecure emotional outbreak. I'm no Depak Chopra at the moment but I feel calmer and more functional.

I'm flying on Jetblue (which I swear where possible I will only fly Jetblue from now on) and watching VH1. Now these days VH1 has two types of shows on. One is, VH1 It Sucks To Be You. You know the show, "P. Diddy spends more blowing his nose than you make in a single year. And that not all. Wait until you see his diamond encrusted tissue box complete with it's own 24 hour escort." The second show is their countdown shows. Obviously they are going to the well too often in this format. We are down to The 25 Greatest Power Ballads. Sad. Even worse because I am watching it. Hey, I'm a hostage at 30,000 feet. Sue me. While watching I've had a realization about a common slur phrase, "That is so gay." The phrase is typically used to say something is uncool. Sometimes also unmasculine. The irony there is that gay culture is actually too cool. Just as with black culture, it typically takes the rest of the world two to four years to catch up to their styles and tastes. They are simply too cutting edge. So, while watching Journey take the number one power ballad spot on the count down all I could think was "God that so wishes it was gay." Work with me here America.

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